Defining Diabetes Care

Originally posted by Sandy Keefe, MSN, RN, for Advance for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine on August 27, 2012 Diabetes management is a complex process, requiring collaboration between clients and healthcare professionals. When those clients face significant...

Baltimore, MD on September 14 – Hotel Change

This change affects Mindy Manganello’s seminar for Friday, 09/14 in Baltimore, MD. New Hotel: Embassy Suites 213 International Circle Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Ph: 410-584-1400 If you are an attendee of this seminar, please be on the look out for an email and/or...

Caffeine and Alzheimer’s

Originally posted by Advance for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists on August 29, 2012 Those cups of coffee that you drink every day to keep alert appear to have an extra perk – especially if you’re an older adult. A recent study monitoring...

Sports Specific Care – Inversion Ankle Sprains

Posted by Steve Middleton, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, CKTP Sports Specifics: Ankle Sprains Why do we limp after an ankle sprain? The primary mechanism of injury is inversion and dorsiflexion (the ankle rolling in) which stresses the anterior talo-fibular (ATF) ligament....

Looking Beyond Rehab

Originally posted by Brent Mack, DPT and Chris E. Stout, PsyD, on Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, August 6, 2012 While worksite programs have a positive impact on the reduction of employee injuries, physical therapists and other rehab professionals are...

Focus on the Fascia

Posted by Steve Middleton, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, CKTP Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue found between the skin and the muscle. It is similar in thickness and color to Saran-Wrap; for years, researchers and anatomists working on aged cadavers thought that was...