Biomechanics of the Foot & Ankle

Posted by Steve Middleton, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, CKTP “Barefoot” or “minimalist running” is the current lingo in the fitness world. It is designed to encourage “natural running motion”. Yet, not many people understand what this...

Sports Specific Care – Inversion Ankle Sprains

Posted by Steve Middleton, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, CKTP Sports Specifics: Ankle Sprains Why do we limp after an ankle sprain? The primary mechanism of injury is inversion and dorsiflexion (the ankle rolling in) which stresses the anterior talo-fibular (ATF) ligament....

Focus on the Fascia

Posted by Steve Middleton, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, CKTP Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue found between the skin and the muscle. It is similar in thickness and color to Saran-Wrap; for years, researchers and anatomists working on aged cadavers thought that was...